According to, 94% of buyers surveyed say they want energy-star rated appliances.
91% said they want the whole home to boast an energy-star rating.
89% said they wanted energy-star rated windows and 88% desire ceiling fans, according to the survey. Check our 2012 & 2013 Federal Tex Credits and rebates below for energy efficient homes.
What is included in the 2012 and 2013 Federal Tax Credit?Tax Credit: 10% of cost up to $500 or a specific amount from $50–$300
Expires: December 31, 2013
Details: Must be an existing home & your principal residence.
Biomass Stoves
Biomass stoves burn biomass fuel to heat a home or heat water.
Biomass fuel includes agricultural crops and trees, wood and wood waste and residues (including wood pellets), plants (including aquatic plants), grasses, residues, and fibers.
Tax Credit Amount: $300Requirements: thermal efficiency rating of at least 75%
Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC)
-Advanced Main Air Circulating Fan
Advanced Main Air Circulating Fan is an efficient fan, or blower motor which blows the air that your furnace heats up through the duct system.
Tax Credit Amount: $50
Must use no more than 2% of the furnace's total energy.
-Air Source Heat PumpsHeat pumps offer an energy-efficient alternative to furnaces and air conditioners in moderate climates. Like your refrigerator, heat pumps use electricity to move heat from a cool space into a warm, making the cool space cooler and the warm space warmer. During the heating season, heat pumps move heat from the cool outdoors into your warm house; during the cooling season, heat pumps move heat from your cool house into the warm outdoors. Because they move heat rather than generate heat, heat pumps can provide up to 4 times the amount of energy they consume.
Tax Credit Amount: $300Requirements
Split Systems:
HSPF ≥ 8.5
EER ≥ 12.5
SEER ≥ 15
Central Air Conditioning (CAC)The best way to find tax credit eligible CACs is to ask your HVAC Contractor (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning). To verify tax credit eligibility, ask your HVAC contractor to provide the Manufacturer Certification Statement for the equipment you plan to purchase. Or, search the Manufacturer's website.
Tax Credit Amount: $300
Split Systems:
SEER ≥ 16
EER ≥ 13
Gas, Propane, or Oil Hot Water BoilerThese are heating units that use water circulated throughout the home in a system of baseboard heating units, radiators, and/or in-floor radiant tubing.
Tax Credit Amount: $150
AFUE ≥ 95
Attic or Wall Insulation - $0.15/sq. ft. Rebate
Attic Insulation
Any existing insulation must be R-11 or less. The final insulation level must be R-30 or R-19 if there is less than 24" of attic clearance.
Wall Insulation
Existing walls must be uninsulated and the installed insulation must achieve a minimum of R-13.
Natural Gas, Propane or Oil FurnaceA furnace uses the combustion of fuel and air to create heat.
Tax Credit Amount: $150
AFUE ≥ 95
Adding adequate insulation is one of the most cost-effective home improvements that you can do.
Tax Credit Amount: 10% of the cost, up to $500
Typical bulk insulation products can qualify, such as batts, rolls, blow-in fibers, rigid boards, expanding spray, and pour-in-place.
Products that air seal (reduce air leaks) can also qualify, as long as they come with a Manufacturers Certification Statement, including:
-Weather stripping
-Spray foam in a can, designed to air seal
-Caulk designed to air seal
-House wrap
Roofs (Metal & Asphalt)Qualified roof products reflect more of the sun's rays, which can lower roof surface temperature by up to 100F, decreasing the amount of heat transferred into your home.
Tax Credit Amount: 10% of the cost, up to $500
"Metal roofs with appropriate pigmented coatings" and "asphalt roofs with appropriate cooling granules" that also meet ENERGY STAR requirements.
Tax Credit does NOT include installation costs.
Water Heaters (Non-Solar)
-Gas, Oil, Propane Water Heater
Water heating can account for 14%–25% of the energy consumed in your home.
Tax Credit Amount: $300Requirements
Energy Factor ≥ 0.82 OR a thermal efficiency of at least 90%.-
-Electric Heat Pump Water HeaterWater heating can account for 14%–25% of the energy consumed in your home.
Tax Credit Amount: $300Requirements
Energy Factor ≥ 2.0
Windows, Doors, SkylightsEnergy efficient windows, doors and skylights can reduce energy bills.
Tax Credit Amount: 10% of the cost, up to $500, but windows are capped at $200.Requirements
Must be ENERGY STAR qualified.
You do not have to replace all the windows/doors/skylights in your home to qualify. And it doesn't need to be a replacement either - installing a new window where there wasn't one previously (like in an addition) qualifies.
Tax Credit does NOT include installation costs.
So Cal Gas Rebates
Natural Gas Furnaces - $150/$200 Rebate
ENERGY STAR Qualified - must have a 92-94 percent Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) to receive a $150 rebate
Tier I - must have a 95 percent or greater Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) to receive a $200 rebate
High Efficiency Natural Gas Storage Water Heaters - $30/$75 Rebate
Tier I - must have an Energy Factor (EF) of .62 - .66 to receive a $30 rebate
Tier II ENERGY STAR® - must have an Energy Factor (EF) of .67 or above to receive a $75 rebate
ENERGY STAR® Natural Gas Tankless Water Heaters
- Up to $200 Rebate
Southern California Gas Company offers a rebate up to $200 on ENERGY STAR-qualified tankless water heaters.
-$200 rebate for models with an Energy Factor of 0.90 or higher
-$150 rebate for models that meet a minimum Energy Factor of 0.82
Must be replacing a conventional tank-type water heater
Clothes Washers - $35/$50 Rebate
ENERGY STAR Qualified - must meet current minimum ENERGY STAR standards to receive a $35 rebate
High-Efficiency, Tier 1 - must have a Modified Energy Factor (MEF) of 2.4 or greater and a
Water Factor (WF) of 4.0 or less to receive a $50 rebate
Dishwashers - $30 Rebate
Qualified dishwashers must have a specification of 280 kWh or less to qualify for the rebate. Please note: Not all Energy Star units qualify for this rebate.
Low-Flow Showerhead - $15 Rebate
Don't let water and money go down the drain.
Purchase the Evolve™ ShowerStart™ Roadrunner showerhead and save!
For a list of qualifying models, visit ENERGY STAR website.
Foothill Municipal Water District Rebates
High Efficiency Clothes Washers
Foothill area residential customers can receive a rebate of up to $85 for one washer. Washers must have a water factor of 4.0 or less. Go to the SoCal Water$mart website to see a list of qualifying washers. To see a list of water factors and other information on washers, click here.
Weather-based Irrigation Controller
Foothill area customers can receive a rebate of $80 for less than 1 acre and $25 per station for more than 1 acre of irrigation.
Rotating Sprinkler Nozzles
Replace pop-up spray head nozzles with these low-precipitation rate nozzles to help reduce run-off and irrigate more efficiently. The nozzles are available in both male and female threads. The rebate for these nozzles is $4 per nozzle with a minimum of 15 per application.
Residential High Efficiency Toilets
Replace your old high water use toilet with a High-efficiency toilet. Only WaterSense-qualified high-efficiency toilets with a capacity of 1.28 gallons per flush or less qualify for rebates.
Turf Removal Program
Foothill area residents can receive up to $800 in rebates for removing their thirsty lawns and replacing with California Friendly plants, mulch, or pervious hardscape. Please contact your water provider for a pre-replacement inspection of your property and post-replacement inspection of your property.
(This program is funded by the Foothill Municipal Water District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, California Department of Water Resources and Bureau of Reclamation)
To see a list of qualifying products, click here.
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